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Look to another sky to better see the stars

Humor, tenderness & twists

Chloe Edouard is a successful young Parisian author who has lost her inspiration. She was ready for anything expect the news that the grandmother she never knew—who she thought had died three decades ago—just recently passed away. And then there was her inheritance: a house in a French village in the Sarthe region called Maintenant (“Now”).

Curious why the villagers are trying to buy the house, she goes to see for herself what the place is all about. She soon notices that it wasn’t just the name of the village that was unusual.

Her car breaks down. She has no phone reception. She is unaccustomed to village life. She meets the quirky villagers, some welcoming, and some hostile… Her grandmother’s house is at the origin of their differences.

Some confide in her and some hold back secrets. Chloé comes to realize that this place could well be the key to her family’s history as well as the personal renewal she so badly needed this despite the improbable tactics the villagers use to make her leave.

Against all expectations a bond begins to form between Chloé and the residents of Maintenant that will challenge their longheld beliefs.

A funny, tender, and heartfelt novel
Sometimes you have to look to another sky to better see the stars


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