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Changing Secondary School: It’s Possible!

For 30 years several reforms have been implemented, uselessly. Childrens get bored, give up. Worse: violense is growing. Even worse: They are still not taught the learnings that are necessary to understand the world, their time or themselves. So what are all this time and money spent useful for?

For 6 years, Jérôme Saltet and André Giordan have observed, listed and analysed different pedagogical methods and different organizations. In several secondary schools in Europe, they have tested out other innovations which they have assessed.

And here is a concrete project that must be implemented without delay in a secondary school where learning, programme, progression, schedule, supervision and training of the staff would be different. An ideal secondary school!

Jérôme Saltet, co-founder and associate director of the Play Bac Group(Les Incollables, Mon Quotidien…), has published two works about “learning to teach”.

André Giordan is the founder and director of the Laboratoire de Didactique et Épistémologie des Sciences de Genève and the author of numerous works about school.


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