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Born under a Lucky Star

What if you changed your mind about astrology?

We are all unique, and every choice we make determines the course of our lives. But are we following the path that suits us best?

This is what astrology can help us determine. Indeed, astrology is not just a way of predicting the future. It is much more interesting than that.

Nitya Varnes, with fifteen years of experience behind her, tells us of her passion for it: first and foremost, astrology represents a unique way of reconnecting with yourself, to live in harmony with your deepest aspirations.

Depending on which stars were watching over us as we were born, we have gifts, and potential, that we sometimes don’t even know we possess.

Discovering and understanding these abilities can allow us to accomplish and succeed at what it really is we were born to do. To regain this understanding of oneself, and find the inner balance which is the true key to happiness. And so astrology becomes a new  and fascinating path to personal growth.

Specific explanations, and clues as to how to read the stars, help this innovative book overturn preconceived ideas.


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