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Imhotep, the Inventor of Eternity

Pharaoh is dead, Egypt is weakened.

Djeser, a fierce prince, has decided to found a new dynasty, but will he be elected by the Grand Council, and will the gods choose him?
In these troubled times, while an evil force, the Red Shadow, wants to exploit the weaknesses that have arisen to bring back the reign of darkness, a young craftsman. Imhotep, suddenly discovers that he possesses hidden powers.

How could this young driller of vases imagine that he would be called to an incredible destiny, as the inventor of eternity?

The future of an entire civilization, built on the steps of the first stone pyramid, a gigantic stairway uniting heaven and earth, depends on Imhotep meeting Djeser.

Imhotep and the Pharaoh will encounter traps, curses and sabotage on their path to completing their Great Work.


Foreign versions

Sold in 3 languages

  • Italy: TRE60
    Spain: Planeta
    Taiwan: Linking Publishing

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